General Data Protection Regulation

Organizations are now legally obliged to protect their customers' and employees' personal data due to regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Failing to do so could incur substantial monetary fines as well as damage their reputation.

CyberArk, a premier provider of privileged access security solutions, provides organizations with tools and capabilities that help them comply with data privacy regulations.

Their tools facilitate discovering, managing, and protecting privileged accounts - often targeted by attackers trying to gain entry to sensitive data.

CyberArk offers various methods to assist organizations in meeting data privacy regulations:

1. Uncover and Oversee Privileged Accounts: CyberArk solutions enable organizations to uncover and monitor privileged accounts throughout their system, even those which may have been forgotten or neglected, helping ensure full awareness, management, protection of all privileged accounts in use by an organization.

2. Implement Access Controls: CyberArk's solutions enable organizations to implement access controls, ensuring privileged accounts are exclusively utilized by authorized users and mitigating risk for unauthoritarian access of sensitive data and systems. This step helps minimize risks posed by potential uninvited access.

CyberArk solutions allow organizations to monitor and alert on privileged account activity. This gives organizations visibility into who accesses sensitive data or systems as well as when such events take place - helping quickly detect potential data breaches before any occur.

CyberArk solutions offer organizations a means of protecting against password sharing and reuse, thus decreasing their likelihood of data breaches. Organizations can safeguard privileged accounts with password management policies as well as tools like password vaults.

If your organization in Bengaluru is looking to employ CyberArk's privileged access security solutions in order to adhere to data privacy regulations, investing in CyberArk training for IT and security teams would be wise. Doing this ensures they possess all of the knowledge and expertise needed to manage CyberArk solutions effectively while adhering to data privacy regulations efficiently.

When seeking training providers make sure you look for ones offering practical laboratory sessions and exercises as well as certification opportunities so your teams can demonstrate proficiency with them and show dedication toward CyberArk solutions!

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